About prices and discounts

The price of our in-ear monitors is based on the purchase price of the in-ear monitors at Jerry Harvey (Orlando, USA) and Cosmic Ears (Manchester, UK), plus:

  • VAT
  • Import duties
  • Customs clearance costs
  • Customs fees
  • Shipping costs
  • Shipping costs return
  • Labor wages Demo session
  • Labor wages Ear impressions

Knowledge and expertise Fonique

When you order your in-ear monitors at Fonique In-ears, you can be confident that the earprints will be made with the utmost caution. The material that is used for your ear impressions is specially selected to ensure maximum seal of the in-ear monitor. Moreover, our material is very easy to process by our suppliers. When making the ear impressions, not only the material is important, but also the way in which the impressions are made.

Ear impressions from a local hearing healthcare professional?

It is strongly recommended that the ear impressions are made by Fonique In-ears and not by a local hearing care professional. They use different materials and generally have no knowledge when it comes to making ear impressions for in-ear monitors, which can result in a poor fit or seal. Of course this can also happen with our prints. Fonique In-ears guarantees, however, to continue to take ear impressions as much as necessary to ensure a perfect seal. Fonique In-ears does not send prints to its suppliers that have not been made by Fonique In-ears.

Discount on your purchase

At Fonique In-ears you can be sure that you are purchasing a high-quality in-ear monitor. Fonique In-ears offers very competitive pricing for our high-quality in-ear systems, whether you opt for a professional in-ear from our highest segment or a basic set. If you do not just order for yourself, but with an entire band (at least 4 people), you can benefit from one of the following discounts:

5% discount on your in-ears!
Free rechargeable UV Drybox to disinfect and dry the inears (about 50 euros)
50 euro discount on artwork
Free 5-year service plan for 125 euro (annually professional cleaning and drying of the inears)
50 euro discount on our customized hearing protection

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